Film & TV Language: Mise-en-scene video feedback and learner response

 1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full.

WWW: Good planning, Courier script, Good performance and accents, good framing, good camerawork, mise en scene

EBI: Add soundtrack, remove background noise

2) Type up a summary of the feedback you have had from the rest of the class - bullet points is fine.

Good acting
Good camera shots

3) Use all the feedback you've been given to write your own self-assessment of your video using WWW (What Went Well) and EBI (Even Better If...)

WWW: Acting and camera shots/angles
EBI: Focus more on the sound and make sure there is no unessesary noise 

4) Now reflect on your own work in more detail. How did your planning (script, shot list) help clarify and develop your ideas?

The shot list helped to recreate the scenes and get the framing right and the script helped to copy the outfits and acting

5) Thinking technically, how could you improve your work for future videos? (E.g. filming, editing, audio levels etc.)

pay more attention to the sound

6) Finally, what have you learned regarding the importance of mise-en-scene in film and television? Write a paragraph to answer this.

Mise en scene allows for meanings to be conveyed and for plots and characters to be understood by the audience. The clothes that a character wears will show their personality and feelings for example in mean girls Regina wears high end expensive and trendy clothes which instantly shows the audience that she is wealthy and cares about how she is perceived. The lighting in a scene can also convey various meanings for example a dimly lit scene could build tension and show how something dramatic is about to happen. The actors facial expression and body language allows the audience to understand how the characters feel without them speaking. The characters makeup can also show the audience a lot about the characters for example how in mean girls Cady does not wear any makeup which shows how different she is from everyone else in the school. The props also convey certain meanings and symbolise ideologies. The setting can show a lot about characters like how in mean girls they are in the cafeteria which instantly shows that they are teenagers in school. 


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