Film poster analysis


The  Hybrid genre between horror and science fiction, this is clear because of the key conventions visible like dystopian buildings, the glowing lights and the futuristic technology and machinery like the flying ship. The neo noir style film clearly presents the man on the poster as the protagonist/hero and the woman as the femme fatal or antagonist/villain, this is clearly shown as half the womans face is covered by a shadow which connotes that she has evil qualities. The movie looks aimed at male teenagers and young adults because of the genre which is mainly enjoyed by that audience. The movie uses star power to attract this audience as the actors name is bigger than the title.

The genre appears to be horror/mystery because of the low angle shot of the confused child looking down into the hole. The movie appears to be aimed at teenagers because of the main charactar that may be relateable for the audience. The movie may be about the boy discovering something as him looking down creates the enigma code of what he is looking at. The contrast between the bright sky and dark hole in the ground could connote how whatever the boy is looking at will bring misery into his life. The rainbow colours on the boys shirt may connote how how he overcomes the terrifying things that he is going to face.

The critic quotes contradict the mise en scene of the poster, the pathetic fallacy sets the melancholic theme for the movie as well as the dull and almost monochrome colours that the poster uses which connotes dark feelings. The unconventional use of the longshot angle could represent the arthouse style of movie. The man mirrors a sillouette which is also unusual as he does not appear to be the main focus of the film. The movie appears to be aimed at a niche and well educated audience. 

The genre of this move appears to be a hyrbid genre between horror and comedy, this is shown by the exagerated facial expressions on the charactars. The movie looks ike a satirical parody of other horror movies as it featers stereotypical horror movie charactars on the poster. The movie seems to be aimed at young adults who look the age of the people in the poster so they may see it as reflecting their own lives or relating to the charactars allowing them to identify with them more. The red colour used for the title connotes blood and terror which contrasts the humourous acting by the charactars on the poster.
The genre of this movie appears the be action and maybe fantasy, this is clearly shown by the key conventions visible like the gun which connotes action or like the pirate ship which adds the fantasy element. The fog around the pirate ship connotes mystery, this makes the movie seem like it is about searching for treasure as it has chest in the title. The movie looks to be aimed at a mainstream teenage or young adult audience because of the genres. The poster also has the actors names at the top to utilize star power which may appeal to this audience.

The genre of this movie appears to be a hybid genre between crime and action. This is shown by the red and black colours used which connote blood but also add a serious tone to the movie. The word sin in the title also adds to the serious tone and foreshadows how something horrible happens in that city. The charactars holding the guns create action codes but also enigma codes as the audience dont know who they are shooting. The pathetic fallacy is used to reinforce the serious tone of the movie as well as the actors facial expressions. This movie may be aimed at a mainstream teenage and adult audience.

The genre of this movie seems to be a hybrid genre between romance and comedy because the pun in the title and the word funny in the tagline. The movie appears to be a musical because of the musical note in the title. The movie seems to be aimed at an international audience which is clear because of the two halves of the poster: one side that appears to be America and one side that appears to be India. The movie may be more targetted towards women because of the romance genre. The confetti in the background connotes celebration which could be foreshadowing a marriage between the couple in the centre, this is further reinforced by the word bride in the title. The movie may also be more targetted towards an asian audience due to the bollywood aspects.

The movie appears to be a drama because of the dark colours used which creates a tense and serious atmosphere. The main charactar/protagnoist seems to be a woman which could be to target a female audience. The movie appears to be about sports because of the womans costume which shows her in sports wear. The dark shadows on the men in the background may present them as the antagonists in the movie. The medium close up shot of the woman presents her as powerful which subverts typical stereotypes that women are weak. The woman also has a white glow on her which could connote bravery.


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